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Construction firms benefit from OSHC-6’s free virtual safety officer training

The Occupational Safety and Health Center – Region 6 (OSHC-Region 6) conducted its first free virtual 40-hr Construction Safety and Health (COSH) Training last May 23-27 via the Zoom application. The event was attended by 52 participants from various construction firms in the country. The regional office designed the free training to assist small-scale construction firms affected by the pandemic to capacitate their promising safety officers in upcoming projects as situations become stable.

The COSH training is a mandatory 40-hour training course required for safety officers employed in the construction industry under RA 11058 “An Act Strengthening Compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS),” its IRR DOLE Department Order No. 198, Series of 2018, and DOLE DO 13-98: Guidelines Governing Safety and Health in the Construction Industry. This training aims to equip participants with the basic knowledge and skills to perform safety audits, assess and analyze hazards and risks in the construction industry, determine appropriate control measures, and develop and implement OSH policies and programs.

“We continue to provide quality safety training courses to develop promising safety officers in the region and other localities,” said OSHC-6 OIC Melveen Melocoton.

“We will have four batches of the free virtual COSH training for this year,” he added.

The regional office conducts OSH learning sessions, BOSH for SO1 & SO2, and COSH for SO2 courses. Those who wish to attend the free virtual training schedules are encouraged to visit the online portals of the OSHC-Region 6.


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