The Gawad Kaligtasan at Kalusugan (GKK) Award is a biennial award awarded by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) to recognize excellent success by businesses and individuals n meeting the safety and health needs of employees, workplaces, and communities. The GKK is a crucial strategy for OSH advocacy at workplaces that will enhance knowledge and skills in the execution of accident and sickness prevention strategies, in line with the OSHC's Vision 1 Million Program.
This year's 12th GKK Award will occur with the theme, "Recognizing Best OSH Practices amidst Crises," to recognize exceptional accomplishments by companies and individuals in responding to workers' safety and health needs and requirements and the community.
The 12 GKK Award is open for the following categories:
Private and locally registered establishments
Public sector or government institutions
Micro and informal enterprises
Individuals who are designated OSH personnel of GKK nominated companies
Timeline of events:
March to May - Submission of documentary requirements and initial screening of documents
June to July - Regional Validation
August - Regional Awarding
September - National Judging / Deliberation and Awarding
Interested organizations can join by coordinating with their DOLE Regional or Field Offices for the GKK endorsement or nomination. The selection process will be a two-tiered scheme with regional and national levels. The regional selection committee, led by the DOLE Regional Director, will determine the GKK Regional Winners. Also, Regional champions will have the chance to be National Winners through the national-level selection process.
For additional inputs and to obtain copies of the nomination, please visit the DOWNLOADABLES tab or click the link: https://www.safetynetworkph.org/downloadables
Source: OSHC Official Website