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OSHC-Region 6 certifies more safety officers in MSEs

The OSHC-Region 6 conducted its tenth free virtual Basic Occupational Safety and Health (BOSH) Course for Safety Officer 1 (SO1) last May 12-13 via the Zoom app. A total of 43 participants completed the course and will be qualified to be the appointed SO1 of their respective establishments.

The newly certified SO1 will be appointed to oversee the implementation of the company’s OSH policies and programs. Also, they will inspect and monitor the workplace for hazards and the need to implement control measures. Furthermore, they will assist, in coordination with their OSH committee, and government authorities during inspection and accident investigations. Finally, they have the authority to implement a work stoppage order if necessary due to the presence of imminent danger in the workplace.

The OSHC-Region 6’s free virtual SO1 course is being provided monthly for micro and small establishments (MSEs) that are required to have a safety officer in their respective workplaces in pursuance of Republic Act 11058 and its IRR. In collaboration with OSH partners, the safety officer courses will be readily available and accessible for promising safety professionals both in the Western Visayas and other regions in the country.


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